Empowering, Inspiring, Collaborating.

What we do

We work with you using UPR (Unconditional Positive Regard) to help re-shape barriers and make room for taking realistic and positive actions to live the life you want. We are happy to plan out and be there for a helping hand when making big-step changes when you’re ready to make micro daily ‘course-redirections’.

We do this by helping you to create your “teams” including Maintenance Team, Nurture Team and make sure you know whose on your ERT - “Emergency Response team”, should you need them.

How we do it

Each counsellor with Plurability develops with their client their unique pathway for turning their disability into a blessing, and facilitates their client developing their own personal action plan to get where they want to be in life.

Plurability counsellors draw on the personal example, thought-leadership and tools developed by our Ambassador, Mr Justan Singh, himself a person who has learnt to triumphed over his Crohn’s disease and Ostomy Bag for over 3 decades.

At various pre-arranged times throughout the year Justan can also be available for ‘Spark of Brilliance’ sessions where he personally can share his journey and inspire those who might be struggling to see who they are as a blessing to themselves and to others around them.

Why we do it

Being a Plan Coordinator, Parent, Care Worker can be tough. Like all of us your clients have energy that can be expressed as:

  • negative energy, where we can ‘turns in’ on ourselves like an ingrown toenail or a black-hole, the universe is full of these situations,

  • misdirected energy where we have lots of explosive energy that soon evaporates into dust, like a punch or a supernova,

  • directed energy that gives life to self and others, like the Sun.

What we noticed at Plurability is that our clients who were inspired and provided assistance to develop their own ‘directed energy’ source then ‘pulled’ on the resources being made available to them, instead of their care team smothering the person by ‘pushing’ help onto them.

Justan’s thought leadership and Plurability’s trained counsellors specialise in helping to create the framework for this directed energy so that Plan Managers, Carers, Parents and care team can find themselves providing a more tailored approach for participants in Australia’s NDIS and other community groups.



+61 416 684 021